very appetizing

When I got married, I received plenty of gifts from my registry list…and plenty of gifts that I guarantee you never appeared on ANYONE’S registry EVER. (I count among those, a certain miniature soapstone goose, and a curious trio of plastic fish magnets.)  One of the unregistered-for-but-very-much-appreciated- just-the-same gifts, was a lovely set of Limoges appetizer plates that I still enjoy using: They’re delicate, whimsically painted, and at four or five inches in diameter, just perfect for serving a small wedge of cheese, a few crackers, or olives.  

Today I was making my usual, compulsive foray into T.J. Maxx and spotted a similarly-sized collection of plates and bowls from designer Cynthia Rowley – decidedly less expensive than Limoges, but just as “appetizing.”

Mini plates at a mini price: $6.99 for the stack

...and bowls to boot!

 Anyone else out there receive a classically-awful wedding gift? Can you top a fish magnet? Do tell….

  • We received an antique potato masher! Looked like a mallet of sorts. But 25 years ago there was no Craig’s List, and we did not hold onto it for a yard sale. I think it went to a friend who did collectibles! I love having those little appetizer plates too; great for dessert also!

    June 10, 2011 at 4:13 am
  • Jen

    Great topic!! How about this one?! From a guy I worked with remotely, who is btw a total angel of a fella just a little gift challenged, a REGIFTED set of knives from HIS wedding WITH wooden holder (yes, classy) and the NOTE FROM THEIR GIFT GIVER INCLUDED IN THE BOX! I still cringe and delight over that one.

    June 10, 2011 at 1:45 pm