A family member is getting married soon and I’ve been asked to hunt for reasonably-priced vases that can be shipped to a remote island in Greece. Fortunately, I’m not in charge of the packing and mailing task, but I AM all over the hunt for the floral...
There’s a scene in the movie The Blindside, in which Sandra Bullock prepares a turkey feast for her onscreen family, and the minute she calls “Dinner,” everyone hits the buffet like a buffalo stampede and plops down in front of the football game. (Thanks to their...
A while back, I was flipping through a Pottery Barn catalog (which I use more as a source of inspiration than for actual shopping—sorry, PB) and a sliver of decorative twigs caught my eye. (I say sliver, because they were trying to sell the couch,...
Plates, that is. All over town…and I really like the look, because they add some desperately needed color to the gray drizzle that has now settled over Seattle. (What, you say? You live in one of those picture-postcard cities where the leaves are crimson and...
A few weeks ago, I was enjoying a really lovely dinner at my friend Sally’s house. She’s got one of those beautifully appointed dining rooms, graced with silk-upholstered chairs that do not respond well to things like eggplant parmesan and house pets. (Fortunately, I had...
Back in the day when hubby and I first registered for our everyday flatware (we’re talking long before the nifty, computerized registry “guns” were invented…a time when engaged couples actually walked around with paper and pencil), we followed the standard mantra fed to us by...
How many times have you run into a store at the last minute to buy a gift bag, bow, and some tissue paper to wrap a present? Been there, done that. And I’m always annoyed at myself because the whole kit- and-caboodle, not including the...
Okay, I’ll admit it: I’m obsessed with T.J.Maxx. And I’ve been obsessed for quite some time (not just since they started coming out with those commercials about the buyer in Paris who over-ordered 5,000 designer silk blouses). When the budget allows, I find myself making...