chasing skirts
My friend, Ali, wrote a cool book about skirts. It seemed an odd subject for her first publishing venture. But sure enough—there was something to say. Like:
The “hobble” skirt was the cause of countless deaths in the early 20th century. (Apparently, the thing shackled women at the ankle, causing a number of grisly crosswalk accidents. Eventually, planners in several major cities had to lower trolley and train steps to allow women to step on and off without incident.) Who knew?
A town in Italy outlawed miniskirts in 2010(!); and in many African countries, women today are still arrested—or worse—for wearing skirts above the knees. Which actually makes sense to me in the same way we have a drinking age, or give the 65-and-older crowd a break at the movies. The more, um, “senior” I get, the more I concede the sad fact that my skirts must cover my knees. And let me tell you—I’ve tried on a few short things lately for which I should have been arrested.
I was really happy, then, to stumble onto Shabby Apple, a website that offers great-looking, over-the-knee-length skirts (and more) for short prices.
One question: Are you weak at the knees for skirts, too, these days? (To be fair, that’s probably two questions.)
P.S.: Do you think it’s a bad sign that I accidentally typed the word, “skirt” into the user-name box on my Facebook homepage?
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