getting the boot
I’m sure you’re ready to give ME the boot, given my spotty blogging of late. But if you kick back and take a peek at the steals I’ve found for you, you’ll likely forgive and forget. And, if that doesn’t work, you’ll at least enjoy a charming peek at my childhood…
Like a snapshot of me wearing my very favorite boots EVER. Patent leather with a grown-up heel…
And, sometimes, I just borrowed boots from grown-ups…
These days, I buy my own.
In a continuing love affair with Jennifer Aniston’s style, I started coveting her biker boots recently. (But probably not the price tag–which, if you look at the photo up top, can still be seen on the sole of her shoe. Can’t read it, but I’m guessing it’s out of my range.) So I went shopping….

The boot I actually bought (comfortable beyond belief): b.o.c. "Josephine" boot; $99.95,
Some of these boots were made for walking; others were made for…valet parking. Either way, they kick it for fall. Have you bought boots yet? (And I’m not talking about waders–relevant as they may be.)
Glad to see that you’re back! In black.