pantry fetish
I will admit, I have one.
The pantry of my dreams.
Or maybe this one.
To be more specific: I have a clean-pantry fetish.
My sister-in-law will attest to my fixation, because—on one extended trip to her house in Boston—I basically took apart the contents of her entire kitchen, which involved placing 1,000-plus groceries in the living room and dining area while I analyzed the goods.
Her stockpile looked much like this.
I decided she did NOT need 7 different jars of ginger. Even the ginger seemed happy to be freed from the back of a very high, very ignored kitchen cupboard.
The problem in SIL’s kitchen is the same problem I see in a lot of kitchens: Because people stash groceries in every available nook or cranny, they don’t know what they have and keep re-buying the same things over and over. Worse, they get a hankering for brownies and find themselves opening every cabinet in search of baking powder or cocoa.
Without wishing to sound like someone’s grandmother, I’m a believer in the old adage, “A place for everything and everything in its place.”
It is for this reason (and, perhaps, some deeply-rooted OCD issues) that I line the shelves of my pantry with an assortment of airtight food-storage canisters, baskets, and old-fashioned glass jars.

Baskets hold baking goods. (And the water just looks cool when stacked. Unless you move the basket--in which case, they roll everywhere.)

I use this slim, little basket on the left for sauce packets and such. (Got it at an estate sale 20 years ago. For $1.)
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE them because they close beautifully, provide an airtight seal, and I no longer have marshmallows stuck together in a plastic bag…
Or stale cereal…
Collecting these storage goodies can add up—especially if you go to a dedicated “organization” store, where you’ll likely spend so much money on specialized containers that you’ll no longer be able to afford the groceries that go in them. (Problem solved, I guess.)
So I tend to hit up a few different stores for my favorites:
But the same 10-piece set sells for only $99 at Zappos with free shipping. I can’t explain the crazy price difference, but who’s arguing?
My husband would say that if I could put the family in a basket, I would.
And his point is?
Any other organizational fetishists our there? I’d love to hear your brilliant ideas…please share!
Zozzie Golden
Loved the article on closets and containers. I love an organized closet….it’s a constant battle to keep it all together but it’s a real high opening up a door and seeing everything lined up like little soldiers.
I so agree with you, Zozzie! When everything else is out of control, at least you get a momentary sense of order. 🙂